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Saturday, February 16, 2013


The Patriarch

His Holiness John Florentine Teruel, P.P,
Patriarch and Founding Bishop of The Apostolic Catholic Church (ACC)

His Holiness John Florentine Teruel, P.P. was a former Jesuit Seminarian at the Ateneo de Manila, San Jose Major Seminary.


His Holiness John Florentine Teruel, P.P,
Patriarch and Founding Bishop of The Apostolic Catholic Church (ACC) 

He is an Achiever in the field of Public Service.

He was the first instrument of Beloved Ingkong, God, the Holy Spirit, in revealing His Third Covenant with mankind, His Divine Sealing, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 7:2-3), “I saw another Angel coming up from the east holding the seal of the living God. He cried out at the top of his voice to the four angels who were given the power to ravage the land and the sea. ‘Do no harm to the land or the trees until we imprint this seal on the foreheads of the servants of God.,” And healing and converting many souls.

He was consecrated as Patriarch by the National Conference of Old Catholic and Orthodox Archbishops, on July 13, 1991, at St. Paul's German Old Catholic Church in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. by the following Archbishops: namely Archbishop Paul Christian G.W., Christian 1, Shultz, D.D. of the Order of the Corporate Reunion (OCR), Archbishop Emile Rodriguez y Fairfield, D.D., of the Mexican Old Catholic Church (MOCC), Archbishop, Mar Markus, Mark Miller, D.D., of the Byzantine Catholic Church (BCC), Archbishop Bernard Dawe, D.D., of the Independent Catholic Church International (ICCI), Archbishop Jurgen Bless, D.D., of the German Old Catholic Church (GOCC), Archbishop Petros Eric T. Ong Veloso, D.D., of the Orthodox Catholic Church of the Philippines, Archbishop Michael Marshall, D.D., of the Orthodox Catholic Church (OCC). Synod of the National Conference of the Old Catholic and Orthodox Archbishop.

From left to right: Abp. Paul Christian W.G. Shultz, D.D., 
Bishop Arthur T. Garrow, D.D., Abp. Emile Rodriguez y Fairfield, 
Bishop Karl Barwin, Abp. Bertil Persson, D.D., Bishop Howard D. Van Orden, D. D.,
Abp. Petros Eric T. Veloso Ong, D.D., Bishop Carrol T. Lowery, D.D., 
Abp. William C. Thompson, D.D.

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