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Friday, January 18, 2013


One of the Mañaneta during the Feast Day of all Saints Day, held at Apostolic Catholic Church (ACC) Cathedral, Sacrifice Valley, Hermosa, Bataan, Philippines.All the candles being held by all Sealed Servants of God or Tinatakan, all candles' flame produces a long flame of light which became visible through pictures when developed.An act of the Holy Spirit.

The Nature's Basilica place located at the Sacrifice Valley, Hermosa, Bataan, Philippines. In-housed more than Sixteen (16) life-sized Images of Mama Mary representing its regional Dioceses. The one that sparks a glaring light is one images of Mama Mary that appear to be a miracle.
God Holy Spirit in the body of St. Maria Virginia taken in Sacrifice Valley Hermosa , Batan

"The Face of God the Holy Spirit & the FAce of the Holy Covenant-in-one:During the 11th Station of the Carrying of the Cross held at the Sacrifice Valley, Hermosa, Bataan, Philippines, taken last 1984 by one of the visitors and said to be a neophyte photographer."
St. Maria Virginia P. Leonzon
St. Maria Virginia and Former First Lady Imelda Marcos
"This is the exact site where the Apostolic Catholic Church Basilica at the Sacrifice Valley is located. Where a miraculous transformation from church to God the Father happened: A photographer took pictures early morning in a beautiful morning sunrise where the intention is having capturing the beautiful sunrise as background of the church-that appears the God the Father after having picture developed."
Photo taken in the shooting of Alpha and Omega movie
Taken during the Easter Season in Sacrifice Valley, Hermosa, Bataan

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