Live as simple as you ARE

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Pigeon transfers data faster than South Africa's Telkom


Many of us are thinking that in our lives today it seems insignificant and diminutive. Making our lives better are not just easy like clicking a mouse to search a certain data in Google. Nowadays, this generation could be considered “Virtual World” because of easy communication using the so-called “Internet”. But, Are these things make our lives worthier?

I read about this story:
There was a pigeon demonstrated by a tech firm in South Africa that could carry data faster than their Nation’s premier Internet provider. They put an unlimited It strapped a data card to the leg of a pigeon named Winston, then sent him off on his 50-Mile flight from their head quarters to the town of Durban. At the same time, using one of their office computer they download a data. The pigeon arrived in an hour and eight minutes while the download took two hours and six minutes.

In our lives, we should avoid the saying of the old, “Bigger is Better” because sometimes small things could be resulted for better things in this world.

Seed of Mustard

Who knows the story in the Bible about the smallest seed the farmers knew in first-century in Palestine? The answer is seed of mustard. It represent of being not significant seed something unnecessary. Jesus chose this insignificant thing to explain a parable to his followers about God’s Kingdom. The kingdom of God begins small, like a small seed of mustard, and yet, after it is planted it becomes the largest plant of garden, Matthew 13:32. After it has finished growing it will offer food and shelter to those who will accept it.

“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a file”, Matthew 13:31-46, explained. All of us have our own fate but we are the one who makes and builds our own fate. God is always over with us that will provide our needs, we have only to wait for it because God is omniscience, and He knows everything in this world –in his perfect timing. What we only do is to believe on him

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