Live as simple as you ARE

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


 Have you ever imagined fighting to someone more than nine feet tall? Have a shining armor made hundred small bronze, spear with several inches thick and a 15-pound spearhead wrapped with cords that can be thrown farther through air. I had been trying to figure out if that really possible to do that by myself? Is that a joke? I am just 5'4 feet petite man! Eerie! I want to live more duh!

Maybe, if you were in the actual situation that you need to face the giant, described above, you'll call your dad, kin, and peers to help you fighting this giant that seems to be unconquerable and invincible. If we make it more exaggerated you will call your favorite super heroes like: Captain America, Iron man, Hulk, Black Widow, Hook Eye and Thor (The Avengers).

Do you know guys, I have a friend who offered to fight this giant? He is a shepherd, youngest to his family, and lacks any form of military. This friend of mine, David, who only thing he have are shepherd's staff and sling without any armor on his body but his clothes being a shepherd.

This giant name, "Goliath", in the bible looks and acts like a giant but conversely to Omnipotent God, my friend, David, knows his monstrous man is like a dwarf, a cricket or an ant who is powerless to the eye of God and to his view of his situation. He is that so confident that he knows it is not what he has but who is with beside him. 1 Samuel 17:45, David says to Goliath: " You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven's Armies- the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

In our life right now, we must possess the same confidence to God and for his being Omniscient. We must know how to face those gigantic trials that will come in the future because we have alrelady known there will be one God who always ready to help us solving our difficult problem that we may encounter. It is easy to say this words but hard to do it, however, we must know: "A word without act is nothing". We should know how these words apply in ourselves. We have to live according to what God is want for us. He is a friend who will never let us down and a guardian who will not drop our hands by him. We are the one who let ourselves away from God. But it does not stop to that, God is willing to lay his two hands for you. He will lead you going to his kingdom and giving you the greatest gift of all " ETERNAL LIFE".


Thank you for reading this blog. <3 Hope we share the good news we learned and try applying this to our everyday lives.

I am glad to have your comments, suggestion, or rather violent reaction from you. Your feedback will be highly recognized.

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