Live as simple as you ARE

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


 Have you ever imagined fighting to someone more than nine feet tall? Have a shining armor made hundred small bronze, spear with several inches thick and a 15-pound spearhead wrapped with cords that can be thrown farther through air. I had been trying to figure out if that really possible to do that by myself? Is that a joke? I am just 5'4 feet petite man! Eerie! I want to live more duh!

Maybe, if you were in the actual situation that you need to face the giant, described above, you'll call your dad, kin, and peers to help you fighting this giant that seems to be unconquerable and invincible. If we make it more exaggerated you will call your favorite super heroes like: Captain America, Iron man, Hulk, Black Widow, Hook Eye and Thor (The Avengers).

Do you know guys, I have a friend who offered to fight this giant? He is a shepherd, youngest to his family, and lacks any form of military. This friend of mine, David, who only thing he have are shepherd's staff and sling without any armor on his body but his clothes being a shepherd.

This giant name, "Goliath", in the bible looks and acts like a giant but conversely to Omnipotent God, my friend, David, knows his monstrous man is like a dwarf, a cricket or an ant who is powerless to the eye of God and to his view of his situation. He is that so confident that he knows it is not what he has but who is with beside him. 1 Samuel 17:45, David says to Goliath: " You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven's Armies- the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

In our life right now, we must possess the same confidence to God and for his being Omniscient. We must know how to face those gigantic trials that will come in the future because we have alrelady known there will be one God who always ready to help us solving our difficult problem that we may encounter. It is easy to say this words but hard to do it, however, we must know: "A word without act is nothing". We should know how these words apply in ourselves. We have to live according to what God is want for us. He is a friend who will never let us down and a guardian who will not drop our hands by him. We are the one who let ourselves away from God. But it does not stop to that, God is willing to lay his two hands for you. He will lead you going to his kingdom and giving you the greatest gift of all " ETERNAL LIFE".


Thank you for reading this blog. <3 Hope we share the good news we learned and try applying this to our everyday lives.

I am glad to have your comments, suggestion, or rather violent reaction from you. Your feedback will be highly recognized.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


You must always maintain an open invitation to everyone you encounter.  Personally welcome others, and listen to their needs.  Once you are involved with them, keep it personal and always maintain a healthy line of communication.

The best part of inspiring others is to have interest in not only what you do, but to also recognize your followers and have an opportunity to see them grow and change as well.  Offer to share your personal stories, teach them things you've learned along the way, talk about your failures and achievements, and ask them questions about their own progress.  Help them avoid the mistakes you've made in the past, and always maintain a positive outlook on their forward progress.

The process of inspiring others comes with no shortage challenges and negative naysayers.  To get past this, you must stay positive, work past failures, and present optimism openly to others no matter what the circumstances are.  Doubt is a very contagious disease, and if you show any of it, you can easily destroy any positive influence you might have instilled in a person.

And there you have it: My thoughts on how to inspire others.  I’d love to hear your feedback, thoughts and comments on the subject.  Which of these points have the biggest impact to you?  Have I left something out?  Do you have any personal experiences or inspirational stories to share?


You need to remain actively involved in the field in which you intend to inspire others.  It’s the age old saying of “practice what you preach,” and it holds true for anyone trying to inspire others.  Ultimately, if you really want to inspire others to do something then this ‘something’ should be a big part of your life.  You don’t necessarily need to be an expert at it, but you do need to be passionately involved.

Passion is something you must have and be willing to express it if you really want to inspire others.  You can gain a lot of influence just by publicly expressing that you are excited and passionate about a topic.  You make it much harder to inspire others if you are boring an unenthusiastic.  Expressive passion is contagious because of the curiosity it stirs in others.  You’ll get people wondering why you love what you love so much.  Naturally, some of them will take the time necessary to understand what it is about the topic that moves you.


     Once you establish a foundation for which you have great passion, start thinking big.  How many people could you potentially inspire based on your niche of expertise?  Are there ways you can expand your impact?  Don’t look to inspire one person, look to inspire hundreds!  Remember, this goes back to the low success rate percentages, as you will likely not succeed with working to inspire at a very small level.  You need to think big and have many people available to inspire.  Fifty people out of a thousand is only five percent, but it’s still fifty people.  Share your ideas with as many people as possible and allow them grow your influence beyond your initial ideas for inspiration.

     Thinking big is not only about inspiring more people, but also about the impact you have on each person.  Don’t settle on making minor changes in a person’s life if they need a total makeover.  Instead, aim to change everything.  Look to inspire in many areas instead of just one.  Think big about the positive impact you might have and this will give you a much better chance of leaving some kind of impression.  If you promote a hundred ways for someone to change or heal and they take on just one, you have still helped them!

     Another useful way to inspire others is to support an established noble cause or practice, such as saving the environment or feeding the poor.  It’s much easier to gain attention, followers, and support for noble causes than it is for individual gain or what some might think are more selfish reasons.  An offer to change something that has a positive impact on the global society is far more attractive to onlookers than some short lived, localized venture.  So keep those areas of influence as big as possible!


Inspiring others is not easy. The rate of success of that attempt to inspire is incredibly low when the measure of success will be based on the percentage inspiration as opposed to actual as inspiration. Overwhelming motivation seminars with thousands of attendees typically make a real lasting effect on only a few people's lives. If you look at those same odds for yourself, you can easily discouraged when you hope to inspire others by doing something that you really love to do.

If, nevertheless, you love something expensive, you do not care how successful you are inspiring others and continue to persevere (on many levels) no matter how many times you fail. If you suspect the person, and when people laugh at your failures, will continue to do what you want because you love. So having depth, love and passion for something, you will protect you from all potential failures.

Will you make the most of the failures and continue to drive your passions? You will inspire others even if you do not succeed at first? What do you love?


Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
"O Mary! conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!" start at Mary's right hand, continue over her head, and end at the left hand.

Wear this medal every time and pray the words written on this medal. 

The vision of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal is said to have appeared to Saint Catherine Labouré in 1830 in the convent of Rue du Bac, Paris. She reported that one night in the chapel, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her and asked that a medallion be made to a design that she dictated. The lady added that, "All who wear this medal will receive great graces.  After spending two years examining her claims, her priest eventually took the information to his archbishop. The medal eventually produced came to be referred to as the Miraculous Medal. The front of the medal displays a picture of the virgin as she appeared to Catherine Labouré. The design on the reverse includes the letter M and a cross. Pope John Paul II used a slight variation of the reverse image as his coat of arms, the Marian Cross. This is a plain cross with an M underneath the right-hand bar, to signify the Blessed Virgin standing at the foot of the Cross while Jesus was being crucified.

Sister Justine Bisqueyburu is said to have also had an apparition in 1840 within the same chapel at Rue du Bac as Saint Catherine Labouré. These visitations instituted the Green Scapular, which involves a very simple devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and is associated with healing.The Green Scapular has its own association but has not yet been approved by the Holy See and does not have an associated confraternity.



Santa Maria Virginia, The Covenant of God

Santa Maria Virginia (1922-2005)
Honorary Foundress of the Apostolic Catholic Church

St. Maria Virinia is the Holy Covenant of God (or God's Bride in Rev. 21:9), "One of the angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me: 'Come, I will show you the Bride, and the Wife of the Lamb.' " The lamb who is the Holy Spirit, Beloved Ingkong. Santa Maria Virginia, was the first true Saint of the Apostolic Catholic Church (ACC), beatified and canonized by Patriarch, Dr. John Florentine Teruel, P.P., on the feast day of the Pentecost in 1995.

Honorary Foundress of the Apostolic Catholic Church (ACC) and Foundress of the Holy Spirit Apostolic Catholic Cursillo Foundation, Inc. (HSACCFI), College of the Most Holy Trinity (CMHT), Nature's Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the National Block Rosary Convention.

First called by Beloved Ingkong in the Dambanang Kawayan Cursillo House, in Tipaz, Taguig. Until her body became a Covenant of Beloved Ingkong, to spread God's Third Testament with mankind. Healing countless pilgrims and sealing them with Holy Seals of Salvation.

Philanthropist and Foundress of the Don Pacifico Leonzon Foundation which gives free technical training to the less fortunate youth and women. Recipient of different prestigious awards from different independent award-giving bodies, including numerous posthumous awards.

The Holy Covenant being used by Beloved Ingkong sealing worthy souls making them covenants of saints and angels


Photo: Long before the arrival of the Spaniards, the Philippines was inhabited by waves of immigrants like the Aetas, Malays and Indonesians. The Aetas were the original black-skinned  inhabitants who lived along the coastlines into the steep hills and mountains. Their religion was animistic and performed rituals to their gods called anitos. Having no written historical accounts, much of their folklore, customs and traditions were handed down orally. One such  is the  story of Djadig, a Aeta leader who was a special man revered for his unmatched skills in hunting with bow and arrow. No one in all the tribes could run as fast as he, and it was known that even without arrows Djadig could capture the fleetest deer. Among the Negrito people he was the acknowledged leader of leaders.
It was during a hunting expedition with his three sons that he first experienced a miracle. The hunting party had stopped to rest at the bank of the Pastac River when an ethereal voice filled the air, commanding, "Get up, Djadig. Look for me. Come and take me home with you."
The voice had come from the top of a towering rock where Djadig, alone, saw a beautiful lady shining like the sun and dressed in shimmering gold. Her hair was like the sunlight, her eyes dark and filled with compassion. He was drawn to the spot instinctively, like metal to a magnet, all the time his eyes entranced by the vision. As he drew closer his vision dematerialized and the beautiful Lady remained only an image carved on shining gold wood.
"Take me home with you," the ethereal voice commanded again, and Djadig instinctively obeyed.
When he reached home, his wife was unwilling to believe his mysterious tale. Angry that he had neglected his duties as a hunter, she seized the wooden image and cast it indignantly into their fire pit. Flames shot up instantly, burning the walls and ceiling, and before help could arrive, Djadig's hut was reduced to ashes. "Wait Look!" exclaimed the children, who were poking the glowing embers with a bamboo pole, "The shinning image is not burned." It was true. The image was intact and still shining like gold. With due honors, the Negritos reverently enshrined the image on the selfsame rock where Djadig had discovered it.
When the Dominicans arrived in 1680,   they heard about the appearance of this “Beautiful Lady”. When the shining image discovered by Djadig was revealed to the Spanish missionaries, they were forced to believe that their own Reverend Mother had preceded them. The Negritos explained that "Ina Poonbato" was the source of many miracles to them. She was their patroness and the provider of rains, filling the mountains with deer and an abundance of food. When an image of the Virgin Mary was presented to the Negrito people, they were delighted to see that it was a replica of their own patroness, "Ina Poonbato". Today, a landmark stands on the spot where the “Beautiful Lady” appeared which is visited by pilgrims.
When the Recollects visited San Fernando de Rivera,(when?) they changed the name to Poonbato and built a church of light materials.  They enshrined the image of the Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje as the patron saint of the Aetas of Poonbato. The image came from Mexico.
In 1896 or 1897, the Reverend Father Julian Jimenez was brutally murdered while saying Mass. After the priest’s death, the parish of Poonbato did not have any resident priest. The church building was torn down and burned. There are conflicting reports  that the image of the Virgin was smashed and thrown in the river while others report that the image was burned.
With the absence of a Catholic Church, the Philippine Independent Church or Aglipayan Church established  a foothold in Poonbato and built a church there. They also enshrined an image of the Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje carved in Pampanga. From the early 1900’s to the1940’s the fiesta of the place was hosted by the Aglipayans.
Eventually in 1945, a Catholic priest was assigned to say Mass in some barrios including that of Poonbato. With the guidance of Bishop Byrne, donation for a piece of land was negotiated for a church in Poonbato. The donor was Mrs. Gerido from Manila. The church was constructed with the help of Elizabeth Chan, a mosaic artist who studied in Venice. The priest  then went to the Aglipayan Church to have an idea of what the statue of Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje looked like which was supposed to be a copy of the original statue brought by the friars in 1894. The statue was small with the height of two inches, hair loosely hanging over the shoulders. The carved statue had a simple dress which was ankle length and the Virgin’s arms were outstretched like hands beckoning. Over her dress was a simple unadorned blue cape. The Virgin’s face had features of a Spanish or mestiza woman.
The priest then went to Manila and sought out a famous carver, Maximo Vicente to carve the image of Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje. When it was finished, the priest brought back the image to Poonbato and was enthroned in the niche above the altar. The Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje is locally known as Apo de la Paz or Apo Apang.
The original image of Our Lady brought by the friars in 1894 is long gone and in subsequent years, various renditions of the image of Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje of Poonbato have been sculptured. The position of her hands which are now praying hands differ from the original outstretched hands. Versions of Our Lady have been reproduced. Nevertheless, the devotion of Our Lady of Poonbato continues to be a favorite devotion to the people of Zambales.


Long before the arrival of the Spaniards, the Philippines was inhabited by waves of immigrants like the Aetas, Malays and Indonesians. The Aetas were the original black-skinned inhabitants who lived along the coastlines into the steep hills and mountains. Their religion was animistic and performed rituals to their gods called anitos. Having no written historical accounts, much of their folklore, customs and traditions were handed down orally. One such is the story of Djadig, a Aeta leader who was a special man revered for his unmatched skills in hunting with bow and arrow. No one in all the tribes could run as fast as he, and it was known that even without arrows Djadig could capture the fleetest deer. Among the Negrito people he was the acknowledged leader of leaders.

It was during a hunting expedition with his three sons that he first experienced a miracle. The hunting party had stopped to rest at the bank of the Pastac River when an ethereal voice filled the air, commanding, "Get up, Djadig. Look for me. Come and take me home with you."
The voice had come from the top of a towering rock where Djadig, alone, saw a beautiful lady shining like the sun and dressed in shimmering gold. Her hair was like the sunlight, her eyes dark and filled with compassion. He was drawn to the spot instinctively, like metal to a magnet, all the time his eyes entranced by the vision. As he drew closer his vision dematerialized and the beautiful Lady remained only an image carved on shining gold wood.
"Take me home with you," the ethereal voice commanded again, and Djadig instinctively obeyed.

When he reached home, his wife was unwilling to believe his mysterious tale. Angry that he had neglected his duties as a hunter, she seized the wooden image and cast it indignantly into their fire pit. Flames shot up instantly, burning the walls and ceiling, and before help could arrive, Djadig's hut was reduced to ashes. "Wait Look!" exclaimed the children, who were poking the glowing embers with a bamboo pole, "The shinning image is not burned." It was true. The image was intact and still shining like gold. With due honors, the Negritos reverently enshrined the image on the selfsame rock where Djadig had discovered it.

When the Dominicans arrived in 1680, they heard about the appearance of this “Beautiful Lady”. When the shining image discovered by Djadig was revealed to the Spanish missionaries, they were forced to believe that their own Reverend Mother had preceded them. The Negritos explained that "Ina Poonbato" was the source of many miracles to them. She was their patroness and the provider of rains, filling the mountains with deer and an abundance of food. When an image of the Virgin Mary was presented to the Negrito people, they were delighted to see that it was a replica of their own patroness, "Ina Poonbato". Today, a landmark stands on the spot where the “Beautiful Lady” appeared which is visited by pilgrims.

When the Recollects visited San Fernando de Rivera,(when?) they changed the name to Poonbato and built a church of light materials. They enshrined the image of the Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje as the patron saint of the Aetas of Poonbato. The image came from Mexico.

In 1896 or 1897, the Reverend Father Julian Jimenez was brutally murdered while saying Mass. After the priest’s death, the parish of Poonbato did not have any resident priest. The church building was torn down and burned. There are conflicting reports that the image of the Virgin was smashed and thrown in the river while others report that the image was burned.

With the absence of a Catholic Church, the Philippine Independent Church or Aglipayan Church established a foothold in Poonbato and built a church there. They also enshrined an image of the Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje carved in Pampanga. From the early 1900’s to the1940’s the fiesta of the place was hosted by the Aglipayans.
Eventually in 1945, a Catholic priest was assigned to say Mass in some barrios including that of Poonbato. With the guidance of Bishop Byrne, donation for a piece of land was negotiated for a church in Poonbato. The donor was Mrs. Gerido from Manila. The church was constructed with the help of Elizabeth Chan, a mosaic artist who studied in Venice. The priest then went to the Aglipayan Church to have an idea of what the statue of Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje looked like which was supposed to be a copy of the original statue brought by the friars in 1894. The statue was small with the height of two inches, hair loosely hanging over the shoulders. The carved statue had a simple dress which was ankle length and the Virgin’s arms were outstretched like hands beckoning. Over her dress was a simple unadorned blue cape. The Virgin’s face had features of a Spanish or mestiza woman.

The priest then went to Manila and sought out a famous carver, Maximo Vicente to carve the image of Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje. When it was finished, the priest brought back the image to Poonbato and was enthroned in the niche above the altar. The Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje is locally known as Apo de la Paz or Apo Apang.

The original image of Our Lady brought by the friars in 1894 is long gone and in subsequent years, various renditions of the image of Nuestra Senora de la Paz y Buen Viaje of Poonbato have been sculptured. The position of her hands which are now praying hands differ from the original outstretched hands. Versions of Our Lady have been reproduced. Nevertheless, the devotion of Our Lady of Poonbato continues to be a favorite devotion to the people of Zambales.


Members of Apostolic Catholic Church 

ACC 3D Logo

Holy Sealing. It is the Baptism of fire and Spirit that our Beloved Ingkong, bestowed to His people, who were called to serve Him. The following are the bible verses that emphasizes the importance of receiving the Holy Seal:

"If you have ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the Churches. To everyone who wins the victory, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give each one a white stone with a new name written on it.  No one will know that name except the one who is given the stone."
Rev. 2:17

"Don't harm the earth or the sea or any tree! Wait until I have marked the foreheads of the servants of our God."
Rev. 7:3

"Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."
Ephesians 4:30

"And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing are inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession to the praise of His glory."
Ephesians 1:13-14

Full-pledged Members. Full-pledged are those members who had received the Holy Sealing of our Beloved Ingkong. The faithful were commonly called as, Sealed Servants or "Tinatakan/Binasbasan." They are also classified as:

APOs.Men and women who are 19 years old and above. They have specific names of a Saint who once lived a holy life while on earth.
Auxillaries. The Auxiliaries or the youth who 6-18 years old. They have their regular "Ganapan" or special assembly, where divine spirits given to them by Beloved Ingkong manifests in trances every week. They give God's Holy messages to the congregation. The auxillaries can be grouped into the following:
Hijas de Maria. Girls, 13-18 years old.
Cherubim. Boys, 13-18 years old.
Seraphim. Boys, 10-12 years old.
Angelitos/Angelitas. Boys and girls, 6-9 years old.
Dress Code. Our members observe the following dress regulation:

They were required to wear a type-A uniform (white cassocks with veils to women and hoods for men);
They usually wear a silver necklace of a Resurrected Christ crucifix with a Miraculous Medal of our Blessed Virgin Mary;
They should always bring a Holy Rosary;
Short haircut for the male members;
Long hair for the female members;
Women are not allowed to wear t-shirts and pants;
Finally, men are not allowed to wear sandos and shorts.
Associate members.   Those members:

Who had received Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Matrimony, but not of the Holy Sealing of Beloved Ingkong;
Who joined our community and attend our Holy Masses regularly.
Membership Process.
All Candidates will fill up an application form for Admission, supported by their corresponding sponsors.
They will be interviewed by which whom are mostly clergies assigned in the Screening Committee, regarding his/her intention for becoming members of the Church.
After carrying out all necessary requirements including Sacrament of Confession, Baptism, Confirmation and Matrimony (if necessary), they will attend a "compro" that is administered by clergies. Compro is an encounter with God, in listening to the doctrines, values, policies, rules and regulations to be followed by a member obediently. Different topics are prepared in different sessions in order to refresh one's Catholic faith.
After the "compro", the candidates are now ready to recieve the Holy Seal depending on the will of Beloved Ingkong and whether they have fully repented.
They will receive a copy of Certificate of Membership, after the rites of Holy Sealing by our Beloved Ingkong.
Duties and Obligations of a member.
To exercise the 7 Sacraments of the Holy Spirit.
Daily recitation of the 15 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary; in addition, the 5 Mysteries of Light.
To help the mission of the Church through evangelization.
To serve the Church in different Pastoral Ministries.